Transport Logistics

Faculty: Civil Engineering Faculty
State Code: 653N27002
Study Area: Social Sciences
Study Field: Management Studies
Study Mode: Full-time
The Scope of the Study Programme: 180 credits
Duration of Studies: Full-time - 3 years

About the programme

Aims of the study programme: the graduate having completed professional bachelor’s degree in transport logistics is a manager who is able to plan, organize, manage and control the activities of transport/logistics enterprises for ensuring quality of these activities. He/she is able to make individual decisions, to work successfully in the competitive market and develop himself/herself in a professional career.

Future prospects

Transport logistics manager is able to work in freight and passenger transportation also in freight forwarding enterprises, to establish a private company. It is possible to continue studies in the social sciences area of Management and Business Administration study field in a university.

Qualification Degree to be awarded: Professional Bachelor in Operations Management.

Learning outcomes

Upon graduation a graduate will be able to evaluate transport/logistics business as a system in organizing activities and flows of information of transport/logistics division, to organize and manage logistics processes to ensure quality and control, to organize, manage and control technological process of freight and passenger transportation, to evaluate clients orders in order to plan and coordinate their execution, to evaluate enterprise activity and anticipate improvement possibilities. He/she is able to communicate effectively and responsibly and work in a team, deepen his/her professional knowledge individually, analyze critically and provide arguments.


Prerequisites for admission are the secondary education (high school, other equivalent) diploma and intermediate language skills.

Application form for admission and additional required documents have to be submitted before May 15th, 2023, by e-mail to our coordinator of full-time foreign applications

Please note that we organize only one intake per academic year (in September).