Seminar-discussion was held "Collaborative Online Communities - How can they help organise student-centred learning?"

On Friday, the 11th of November, Vilnius College of Technology and Design team, within the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project "Challenge-Oriented Collaborative Online Communities in the Paradigm of Sustainable City (CityGo)", No. 2021-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000023277, conducted a remote seminar-discussion on "Collaborative Online Communities - How can they help organise student-centred learning?"

The quarantine period made it very clear that it is not enough to mechanically transfer the teaching/learning process to a virtual environment, which we all did quickly and successfully during the pandemic. But how to keep students in front of the screen? How to engage and motivate them? How to organise blended learning, including for Erasmus students?

Vilnius College of Technologies of Design, together with its international partners from Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece, Germany and Poland, is looking for an answer in a model that has already been used quite successfully in business - collaborative online communities.  

Ana Aleknavičienė, the Head of International Relations and Project Management Department, lecturers Vaiva Mickevičienė and Assoc. prof. Andrius Gulbinas shared the students' and lecturers' insights into the field identified by the 6-country consortium, and presented the solution that is currently being tested.
